Saturday, November 30, 2013

Trotting with the Turkeys

Hello folks,

The holidays are here. As most of you do not know, I am an advocate for the annual Turkey Trot. Whether it is a 5K, a 10K, or whatever, getting in some exercise is always beneficial; especially when large consumptions of food are waiting to get eaten, enjoyed, and digested. The race is typically low-key and fun, but in some cities the race can grow quite large in the number of participants, so be prepared to maneuver around people along your path. It's great energy to participate in an event with people sharing a common interest and goal; running and walking is a great way to begin the holiday season.

Over this year's Thanksgiving holiday, I participated in my local Turkey Trot. Here in Long Beach, California, I ran a 10k race before I sat down to a lovely meal with family and friends. I had a great time. The path was a flat 3.1 miles out along the coastline, and then a turn-around with another 3.1 miles headed back along the same path. It was a gorgeous day, and there were well over 4,000 participants at the event. Afterwards, I felt accomplished and ready to restore all those lost calories! The holiday season may bring a lot of food, stress, emotion, and apprehension to our lives, and participating in a local run or walk for charity can greatly attribute to better health around the holiday season. Exercise can help keep things in balance; allowing you to spend some time working on you. So, if you see a local event in your area, I urge you to participate. If you don't see anything offered in your community, then maybe think about putting on your own event. Creating community involvement around better health is a positive force in the environment. Let's all work towards positivity, not just over the holidays, but over all the days. Take care, everyone! Cheers!

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